“Don’t travel abroad if you have between ¢50k and ¢100k in your bank account” – Man living abroad warns


A Ghanaian man living in the States has advised people who plan to travel out of the country to seek greener pastures in Europe to think again if they have between ¢50k to ¢100k in their bank account.

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According to him, travelling to Europe to make money is not as easy as it looks and said that most Ghanaians who have travelled to these European countries currently do not even have that amount in their account in Europe and are struggling to make ends meet.

He revealed the conditions of living in Europe is more of a hand to mouth kind of living and most people are also living on credit. He argued his point out by saying that if any Ghanaian has that amount sitting in his account, there is no need to travel to Europe because you are already successful.

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According to him, if you spend that money for processing to Europe, it might take you as long as 10 years to be able to get that money back into your bank account.

He said, “If u come to me to help you with connection to Europe and I realise you have more than ¢50k in your account, I will not help you because that is enough money to get you going in Ghana.”

“If you rush and travel here, it will take you about 10 years to be able to raise that money. The conditions for living here is hand to mouth and a lot of people are living on credit. Its not as easy as it looks”

The video was shared by @gharticles on Instagram. See his video below.

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