“Current Constitution change”- Bongo revealed the Proposed policies of Nana Kwame Bediako, ‘Cheddar’ TheNewForce


X Influencer, Bongo Ideas has revealed the Proposed policies of Ghanaian businessman, Nana Kwame Bediako, ‘Cheddar’ who allegedly behind the #TheNewForce

Below was was Bongo Ideas posted on X;


“Proposed policies of Nana Kwame Bediako, ‘Cheddar’ #TheNewForce:”

▪️Current Constitution change
▪️Prosecute all corrupt former officials within 30 days
▪️Run a lean govt of only 14 ministers
▪️Free health care to replace free SHS
▪️Remove all bad taxes: covid tax, e-levy, bet tax, etc
▪️Invest over $1B in startups & small busineses
▪️All regional, intercity & trunk roads dualized & tolled
▪️Equiq all students with practical skills in TVET, IT, Engineering, Agriculture, etc
▪️Student loans for all tertiary students
▪️Reduce taxes on businesses to increase employment & productivity
▪️All statutory ministries will all work from one building to reduce cost
▪️Investment in green technologies & renewable energy to reduce carbon footprint
▪️Improve housing by introducing a subsidized mortgage program, replacing all old architecture with modern ones
▪️Govt accountability is paramount, citizens forum set up to  encourage feedback and criticism

Many more to come….

We wait for the official declaration from Cheddar himself.
