Fella Makafui arrested for selling unregistered drugs


Fella Makafui is having a tough time since her husband, Medikal made daunting revelations about her going for surgery to achieve her shape.

READ ALSO: Police reportedly arrest those working at Fella Makafui’s flat tummy company


Few days ago, it was reported that her workers had been arrested in connection with her selling unregistered flat tummy drugs to people.

In a new update, the actress has been arrested for unlawful activities related to the sale of unregistered drugs by ISPYGH 247, an investigative documentary filmmaking firm and the Pharmacy Council Ghana.

READ ALSO: “Made in Ghana, Polished in Turkey” – Old photo of Fella Makafui sparks more reactions about Medikal’s claims

A statement released indicate that, they have been monitoring Fella for a couple of months now and found out she is indulged in the sale of unregistered drugs, false advertising and publishing unapproved adverts by the FDA.

The statement also indicated that, upon her arrest, they discovered a wide range of drugs, specifically butt and hip enhancement products.

Fella Makafui arrested for selling unregistered drugs
Fella Makafui arrested for selling unregistered drugs

READ ALSO: Fella Makafui reportedly packing out as huge loading truck spotted St Medikals gate
