“Return the haram money now”- Islamic clerics orders Fuseini after GHC 6 million betpawa win


Ghanaian man who lived a life of destitute until  winning a bet of GHC 6million has been ordered by Islamic clerics to return the money on the grounds that it was acquired through gambling which is haram in the Islamic religion.

The young man who is identified as Fuseini showed up with his mother who was fully clad in a hijab to receive the dummy check of Ghc 6million after he won a gambling game on Pawabet. 


However after the mega win , Islamic clerics have ordered the young man to return every penny of the money back to the gambling agency . According to them , Fuseini breached the laws of the Quran which urged believers not to participate in games of chances . 

A social media platform known as Iqra foundation has accused the mother of Fuseini for supporting his child in a gross misconduct . They also cited that betting has become a canker that is eating through the zongo youth . 
