“Hard work is not the secret to success”- Businessman who owns 3 private jets reveals the true key to success


Dr Daniel McKorley, CEO of McDan group of companies and owner of three private jets has revealed that being hardworking is not a guarantee to being successful.

In his write up on his social media handles, the businessman said that the mistake a lot of people, including himself made in relation to being successful is thinking that the more they work hard, the more likely they are to be successful.


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He wrote, “As a CEO, hard work is NOT the secret to success. I know that’s a controversial statement to make these days, but I’ll tell you why. If anything, hard work doesn’t guarantee success at all.”

“Yet, a lot of young entrepreneurs and CEOs, despite working 60+ hours, feel like they need to be working harder to get to the next level. And I completely get it, as I used to do the same thing. Especially since growing up, we were always told that if you want to be successful hard work is what was going to make it happen.”

Explaining his point, he said what a person needs to be successful is to have the right mindset. He argued his point out by saying that every single successful being on earth has that right mindset which makes them focused and confident in their endeavours and not just putting in hours of work.

He wrote, “If we look at the most successful CEOs in the world though, what is the one thing they all have in common? The right mindset. Can you think of any successful person who doesn’t have the right mindset? No, because it isn’t possible to create amazing success without the right focus, confidence, and state of mind.”

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“After all – it’s not just showing up and putting in the hours that matters. It’s how you show up and how you execute in everything that you do. Because when you have the right mindset, that’s when you’ll be clear on what to focus on and able to defend your time.”

He further stated that having the right mindset plus hard work is what will set you apart and make you successful from those who does hard work only. He said once you have the right mindset, you will be able to see difficult situations as opportunities, see setbacks as stepping stones, face challenges and take the necessary actions instead of running away from them.

He continued, ” (once you have the right mindset), You’ll be able to get out of your own head and stop wasting time overthinking, second-guessing, and doubting yourself. You’ll be able to consistently take the actions you need to take [like facing that difficult conversation] instead of avoiding what you know you need to do.”

“This is why the right mindset is what separates those who become great from everyone else. Yet, so many of the CEOs who come to me for help are convinced they just need to “work harder”. When in reality, after we break it down, they’re losing hours every single day by not being in the right state of mind.”

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On how to get the right mindset, Mr McKorley said one must master the mental game needed to be highly effective in whatever role they are working in and then add hard work to it. That will set you on the path to success.

He concluded, “This, in itself, is why the work I do with young entrepreneurs on the McDan Youth Challenge train is all about mastering the mental game needed to become highly effective in their role.”

“Once that’s in place, that’s how they can then become the CEO the business needs now and in the future to take it to the next level. And when you combine hard work + the right mindset + the right amount of luck and good fortune, that’s when the entire game changes for you.”

See his post below.

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