She passed my 3 impossible tests, Every man needs a Gertrude in their life


Before men take the life long decision of choosing one woman as their wife, several contemplation happens in the black box.

Gertrude, or Getty as I like to call her is physically everything a man would want in her woman. Her figure looked like she has been sculpted by the world’s greatest artist. Her skin was always radiant, no matter the day or the hour you would set eyes on her. I wonder what she used for her teeth, they brighten so much that the only reason why I cracked jokes was to see her smile.


But was all these physically pleasing attributes enough for me to put a ring on her finger? “Oh no it wasn’t” if you asked me. Adel, my ex wife who could charm any man on earth with her beauty, turned out to be a dev!l that would lead me into a chronic depression after she cheated on me with my best friend and later had me locked up for false case of @buse. I fell for her looks and hurriedly made her my wife, I was not going to be a fool for the second time.

After 4 years dating and falling deeply in love with Gertrude, I decided to put her to the test to see what her real intentions were. Firstly, I made up the idea of losing my job. I worked at a top IT company as a director of creativity and research and was very much well to do. I stopped buying her expensive gifts and taking her out on plush dates, all this time she never once complained. After a while, Getty hooked me up with several companies and told me that she had even scheduled some interviews for me. I was moved but wasn’t convinced enough.

I started moving some of my things to my friend’s house, to create an impression that I had to sell my stuff because I was in debt. Asking a woman for money was something I could never do, not because I am rich enough but I saw it as a shameful thing to do. For my second test however, I had to put my pride aside. I asked Gertrude for a sum of GHC 10,000 to invest in an App I was creating. Her business as a beautician was blooming at the time and she even gave me the money in 2 weeks time and assured me that my App was going to be my breakthrough.

“Could someone be telling her all this is just a test?”, I thought to myself because her will to help me get back to my feet was unmeasurable. For the third and final test, I decided to let my mother come into the picture. I planned with my mother to bring in a girl to my house. The intention was to portray her as my would be wife. She arrived in my house with my mother on a Saturday afternoon, the time Gertrude usually comes to my house. My mother with a sharp mouth told Gertrude the moment she arrived to stay away from me and that she was going to sell her land to pay off anything that might be connecting her to me. 

With tears lurking down her eyes, Gertrude said with a soft voice,

 ” Whatever I did for your son I did it because of love, and even if he has decided to choose another woman over me, that wouldn’t stop me from loving him. You can keep the money and try to build your new home” . It was at this point that I fell on one knee and finally asked her the question, “Would you marry me”.

The whole living room was tensed and after I told Gertrude about my tests, she said yes to my proposal.

– Kingsley
