“My ex-girlfriend sent her boyfriend to pour acid on me” – Man tells his story


A man has told his story of how his ex girlfriend made her current boyfriend pour acid on his face after he broke up with her.

Narrating what happened, he began by saying he traveled out of the country and decided to fly down into the country to see the lady.


He said he used to live in same room with her and one time, he stepped only to return to find the lady on phone telling the one she was speaking with that he (the narrator) forced her to live with him.

He further revealed that after he heard that conversation, he advised himself and decided to break up with the lady. After the break up, the lady moved some of her things from the room and took his passport along with her things.

He said shortly after the breakup, he had to travel back to the States so he had a conversation with the lady only to be attacked the morning of his departure by the lady’s new boyfriend

Watch the video below;
