Ecuadorian beauty queen shot dead in a restaurant after post on Instagram led her killers to her location


A beauty queen from Equador, Landy Párraga was shot dead whiles having a conversation with a man inside a restaurant in Quevedo shortly after she made a post on Instagram.

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According to reports, her Instagram post was of her food, a “distinctive-looking seafood dish and a side of eggs with a restaurant logo on either a placemat or menu on the table,” a dish called octopus ceviche.

Ecuadorian beauty queen shot dead in a restaurant after post on Instagram led her killers to her location

Shortly after the beauty queen shared the picture of her meal with her followers on Instagram, two armed men who were wearing masks rushed inside the restaurant and shot her a couple of times leaving her in a pool of blood.

From the CCTV surveillance footage, Párraga was seen standing over the chair with a yet to be identified man inside the restaurant chatting with this person. She noticed the men entering the restaurant and turmed her back to them, maybe so they will get recognise her as a celebrity.

Ecuadorian beauty queen shot dead in a restaurant after post on Instagram led her killers to her location

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Unfortunately for her, the men were after her and one of them dashed towards her and shot her three times. She was reportedly “gunned down shortly after her name appeared in a corruption inquiry linking judicial officials to organised crime.”

Landy Párraga is said to have made headlines in December 2023 after her name appeared in the chat between her lover, Leandro Norero, “a married drug trafficker who was killed in a prison riot 18 months ago and his accountant.

Ecuadorian beauty queen shot dead in a restaurant after post on Instagram led her killers to her location

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